What is Inflammation and How Cryo Helps

Clearing Up Misconceptions About Inflammation 

Seems like everywhere you turn you hear about how bad inflammation is. Inflammation is one of the most common factors related to chronic disease and it is estimated that 40% of Americans have some type of chronic inflammation related to disease processes. But contrary to what you may hear, inflammation itself is good! At least in the short term. It is a natural response that our cells use to signal for help and plays a vital role in the tissue repair process. So what I want to do today is give you a brief explanation of how inflammation works in the body and how the use of WBC can help stop the cycle from getting out of control.

***Disclaimer: Always speak to your doctor if you have concerns related to chronic inflammation as underlying issues may be a factor. This information does not supersede guidance from a licensed medical professional. ***

When tissues are damaged or stressed, chemical mediators are released that signal repair cells to come to the sight of damage. These mediators also increase capillary permeability in the area. This allows repair cells to leave the vessels, enter the area of damage and start rebuilding the tissue. In a healthy response, byproducts that are hanging out in the area are carried away by vessels, allowing fluid balance and circulation to return to normal as the tissue continues to be rebuilt. This process is vital for normal tissue repair.

The problem comes when inflammation stays around a little too long.

When capillary permeability is increased, excess fluid is released into the sight of damage. This causes pressure on the surrounding area which cuts off blood flow to otherwise healthy tissue. This causes more cellular stress; more chemical mediators are released, and the cycle of inflammation continues. The excess fluid accumulates and swelling stays around as the vessels can’t take fluid away as fast as it accumulates in the affected area. More blood flow is cut off and this can lead to further swelling and pain along with other complications further down the road.

So what can we do?

Here’s where Whole Body Cryotherapy comes in. WBC has been shown to increase the release of anti-inflammatory compounds which serve to inhibit the action of the chemical mediators and interrupt repetitive inflammation. When this occurs, it allows the body to catch up with the accumulation of fluid and the cycle of damage -> swelling -> damage. In addition, when exposed to WBC, the vessels in your arms and legs constrict, causing byproducts to flow towards the organs to be filtered, broken down, and flushed out. But once you get out of the WBC chamber, oxygen and nutrient-rich blood rush back to the area and vessels have greater dilation through a rebounding effect. This allows fluids and byproducts to flow more easily out of the area, making way for repairs and limiting further inflammatory responses.

The use of WBC can be a great way to boost your body’s ability to fight chronic inflammation by breaking the cycle that gives inflammation a bad reputation. As always, I hope you found this information enlightening and stay tuned for more info in the future.


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